Nozzles for the fire safety industry

Fire safety key spray application - Fire prevention

These systems are not designed to extinguish fires.  Rather they attempt to reduce the risk of a fire or explosion occurring in the first place.  This can be done by increasing moisture in the air or on a surface to reduce the flammability of the environment.

Anti-sparking systems

A fine mist of water sprayed will help reduce electrostatic charging of airbourne dust particles.  This reduces the risk of sparking occurring and thus the risk of explosion.  Often the material being protected cannot become wet so care needs to be taken to ensure evaporation of the spray is complete.  As such, low flow rate spraying with fine atomisation is required.

For most anti-sparking applications the PJ series of low flow rate misting nozzles would be a senisble choice.

Moistening systems

In applications where wetting is possible, fire prevention systems will deliver a small amount of moisture to the object in question to reduce the risk of fire.  Care needs to be taken to ensure that water does not build up, so controlled and metered spraying is important.

If flammable product moving on a conveyor needs to be wetted then a series of low flow rate flat fan nozzles would be appropriate.

Anti-sparking tank cleaning

Many tank cleaning nozzles use rotation to sweep a high impact spray around the tank.  With any moving metal parts there is an increased risk of sparking, so if the tank in question contains potentially explosive vapours then the use of rotary metal tank cleaning nozzles may be prohibited.   For this reason SNP offer a series of plastic (PTFE) rotary tank cleaning nozzles -the HydroWhirl Posiedon. 

nozzle catalogue

Fire Safety Key Spray Applications:

Fire Safety Key Spray Challenges:


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