Full cone nozzles - Tangential whirl design

With this design of nozzle the fluid is initially in motion perpendicular to the final spray direction.  The fluid travels down the pipe, enters tangentially into the nozzle body and is twisted through 90 degrees in a whirl motion causing it to break up into droplets before exiting the spray orifice.  Normally the whirl motion of these nozzles causes the spray to exit in a hollow cone pattern, but with the addition of a contoured insert fluid can be drawn to the centre as well forming a full cone pattern.

A tangential nozzle may also be selected over an axial whirl nozzle due to space considerations.  For example, if a lance is being put into a gas stream the spray would need to be perpendicular to the initial fluid flows.  

Furthermore, the design is naturally more resistant to clogging than axial whirls as the whirl chamber is less intricate.

Full infromation on the WTZ full cone tangential whirl nozzle can be found by clicking the box below.

To compare the features of all full cone nozzles please access the full cone nozzle cheat sheet by clicking on the orange button to the right hand side of this page.

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