Spray coating applications 
The use of nozzles for the applications of coatings is common in many industries. Broadly speaking coating systems can be broken down into four main groups.
1 Continuous conveyor
Typical coating applications will involve a spray bar deployed over a product conveyor. A line of spray is produced and the motion along the conveyor ensures the entire product is coated as it passes under the spray bar. Normally such setups deploy flat fan nozzles.
Whilst the conveyor will be moving continuously the product may be spaced at intervals. This means that spraying may only be required when a product passes under the spray bar. If the process is fast-moving then such systems will require precise control and this will often mean air-actuated spray nozzles or electrically-actuated nozzles are required.
Dosing can be controlled by the flow through the nozzle as well as by the speed of the conveyor. With electrically-actuated nozzles dosing can also be controlled via pulse width modulation. Such nozzles can be cycled on and off 150 times per second. So by using very rapid on/off cycles flow can be reduced without affecting the continuity of the coating.
For simple continuous spraying systems hydraulic flat fan nozzles may be suitable. For systems that require stop-start spraying or other more precisely controlled on/off cycles, air or electrically-actuated nozzles will be required. Air atomisation of the spray itself may also be desirable in many coating applications as this can create a very fine spray with small droplet sizes at low flaw rates meaning better cohesion of the coating.
Spray bars for conveyors
SNP offers a one-stop shop for the design and fabrication of spray bars and complete spray bar systems for coating on conveyors. Click the Spray Bar icon below to discover more or find out more by filling in our Spray Bar Enquiry Form.