Nozzles for moistening

In many industrial, chemical and food production processes product needs to be kept moist. Generally a small controlled amount of fluid needs to be delivered to the target area.  For this reason air atomising and misting nozzles are typically used, although for larger applications some lower flow rate axial whirl nozzles may also be considered.

Air atomising nozzles for moistening

For data sheets click on the boxes below.  For more detailed information on how air atomisers operate in moistening applications please click here or on the air atomising item in the grey menu to the right.

Internal mix air atomising fan nozzle for moistening  Internal mix cone air atomising nozzle for moistening (XAPR) Precision control air atomising nozzle for moistening

Axial whirl nozzles for moistening

For data sheets click on the boxes below. For more detailed information on how whirl nozzles are used for moistening applications please click here or on the axial whirl item in the grey menu to the right.

Low flow rate whirl nozzles for moistening

Elliptical orifice fan nozzles for moistening

For data sheets click on the boxes below. For more detailed information on how flat fan nozzles are used for moistening applications please click here  or on the axial whirl item in the grey menu to the right.

Standard flat fan nozzles for moistening Low flow rate fan nozzle for moistening

nozzle catalogue

Moistening Engineering Considerations

Moistening Nozzle Designs


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